Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Site for assignments, links, articles, lectures, and questions

Mr. Elberson here, many of you have been bugging me to post homework assignments and other materials on the Whitney High School website. Unfortunately I am unable to access the site as I am not a permanent, full-time employee of the school. To better serve you I have decided to create a blog from which the student can reference for any class related assignments or materials. My goal as a teacher is to is to provide as much information and communication to you, the student, as possible. Allow me some time to get the blog up a running properly, as I have, as of today, only begun to post infrmation and links. I hope you find this site helpful and informative.


johnni said...

wats up!!

RalphDogelio(x said...

you have a blogspot too -.-

GabeC4 said...

hey mr. e!
lol its gabe :]
you spelled Mr. E's wrong haha
well unless ur trying to be cool :P

annierow said...

hii mr e. its annie.

your blog is sorta confusing...

Alex™ said...

you should find a better picture i should 2

JohnnyLloydacris said...

This is Jonathan here from 6th period...your blog is pretty cool and all but the layout is so just kidding...

Arim Han said...

sup sup!!!