Thursday, January 15, 2009

Imperialism Editorial

Assignment: It's January 21, 1889. You are an editorial writer for a major American newspaper. You are amazed by how quickly the world is changing. The industrialized world is rapidly colonizing the under developed nations of the world to reap the rich, natural resources they process. As a journalist you are confronted with the following dilemma: do you support colonialism as a means for a protecting your countries' standing in the competitive era of Imperialism? Or is Imperialism an evil practice that should be avoided by the United States , no matter what the consequences may be?

Directions: Write a three part, five paragraph, 2 and one half page persuasive paper arguing either for or against Imperialism. Use three examples from the textbook to defend your argument; one from Africa, the Middle East, and India. Write your paper in Chicago style if you quote any source of reference any outside texts. Be sure to include a cover page and bibliography. This assignment is due Wednesday, January 21, 2009. It is worth 50 points.


seat#19 said...

thank god we don't have to cite information

Donald Bui said...

I just noted, it says 3 examples from the book, does it have to be from the book?

Mr. Elberson said...

Examples as in Africa, Muslim World, and India